Tag Archives for Regular Old Architecture
The Problem With Famous Architects
Since this is my own private soapbox, I”m going to feel free to make a sweeping and weakly substantiated observation. Which is this: I think there”s maybe starrrrting to be an uptick of interest in architecture from within the IA … Continue reading
"Nothing Is Higher Than Architect"
Well, isn’t an architect just an art school online pokie machines drop-out with a tilty desk, and a big ruler? via Arch Daily
Important Meme From Frascari’s The Tell-The-Tale Detail
The role of detail as a minimal unit in the process of signifcation PDF of article
Frederick Law Olmsted – A "Matter of Chronic Anger"
“Suppose that you had been commissioned to build a really grand opera house; that after the construction work had nearly been completed and your scheme of decoration fully designed you should be instructed that the building was to be used … Continue reading
Liz Diller TED Talk: Architecture Is A Special Effects Machine
“conventions of space … so obvious we”re blinded by their familiarity” “…insatiable appetite for visual stimulation with ever greater digital virtuosity – digital has become kasyna the new orthodoxy” “rethinks our dependence on vision”