Category Archives for Uncategorized

Updated BASIC Framework

Head over to TUG and check it out

19. December 2021 by dan
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Spectacle \ Spectacles

New for January 2022: SI658 at the University of Michigan School of Information: the information architecture of spectacle

13. December 2021 by dan
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BASIC Framework

Was so nice to be hosted by AMUX. First time saying many of these ideas out loud!

13. December 2021 by dan
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WIAD Bristol 2021 Sermon

Full text on the TUG website, not sure if there’s a recording!

13. September 2021 by dan
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World IA Day Egypt 2021 Keynote

09. August 2021 by dan
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5 Years→Research and descriptive bibliography focused on 5 years in the life and work of Richard Saul Wurman circa 1969-1974. Some of my work in progress is available through a blog I update intermittently. Architecture And Lou Are OneLong-form interview … Continue reading

03. May 2020 by dan
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Abstract and Excerpt from Dutch Uncles, Ducks and Decorated Sheds

Please feel free to purchase the chapter I wrote for Reframing Information Architecture. I assure you I receive exactly zero dollars for each $40 PDF. Abstract: On what basis can and ought one assess the relative merits of a given … Continue reading

07. August 2014 by dan
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Louis Kahn and Alan Watts On Wonder

  @RonaldOnTheRoad… “@danklyn: quite possibly the most important human question, ever: how am I doing, wonder?” — D▲N▼l▲E▼L (@AhSinistrah) January 19, 2013 The highest to which man can attain is wonder; and if the prime phenomenon makes him wonder, … Continue reading

15. June 2014 by dan
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New Short Nonfiction: Landing Clean

Landing Clean is a new write-up of a story I’ve told a few times but never before thought to capture in any particular words.

29. October 2013 by dan
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Poster for Information Architecture Summit 2013

06. April 2013 by dan
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